Local Girl Scout awarded Medal of Honor for heroic rescue


MORROW — In a heartwarming ceremony held on Tuesday, Jordann Ponder, a young Girl Scout from Blanchester was bestowed with one of the highest honors in Girl Scouting – the Medal of Honor. The accolade was in recognition of her remarkable act of bravery and quick thinking that saved a 4-year-old boy from drowning last July.

Jordann, a second-grader, demonstrated extraordinary courage and presence of mind when she sprang into action at a friend’s birthday party. The incident unfolded on July 8, 2023, as Jordann observed another child fall into a five-foot-deep pool. Without hesitation, she dove in, swiftly reached the struggling child, and managed to pull him to safety.

Jordann ensured the boy’s well-being by assisting him out of the water and onto a ladder for further help.

Aimee Sproles, the CEO of Girl Scouts of Western Ohio, presented the prestigious medal to Jordann during the ceremony at Camp Whip Poor Will in Morrow. In her address, Sproles lauded Jordann’s heroic efforts, saying, “Tonight, we recognize our brownie Girl Scout sister for her heroic effort. We are honored to honor you for your bravery and for the way you exemplify the Girl Scout promise.”

The ceremony was attended by family, fellow scouts, friends, and representatives from WLWT news station, who captured the poignant moment. Jordann, wearing her Girl Scout vest, received the medal with humility and grace as it was pinned to her uniform.

Speaking to reporters from WLWT, Jordann recounted the events of that fateful day.

Jordann’s bravery has not only earned her the admiration of her peers and community, but also serves as a reminder of the profound impact that individuals, regardless of age, can have when they choose to act with courage and kindness.

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