On-farm research meeting set for March 28


Would you like to answer your questions and get involved with local on-farm research? Do you have any research ideas for agronomic crops or forages? OSU Extension County educators team up with farmers to set up research trials on their farms looking at different production methods to increase profit. Some examples are:

· Nitrogen rates

· Seeding rates

· Fungicide application timing

· Micronutrient applications

· Sulfur rates in heavy or sandy ground

· High speed planting

· Manure sidedness

Visit the 2023 online OSU eFields Report for some more research trials that you might be interest in to conduct on your farm: go.osu.edu/efieldsreports.

OSU Extension Clinton County is hosting an informal meeting on March 28 at the Clinton County Annex Building Conference room on on-farm research opportunities for Clinton County Farmers. 111 S. Nelson Ave., Wilmington.

The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. and will provide a light breakfast. To register, please call the Clinton County OSU Extension office by March 27. Call Brooks Warner at 937-382-0901 or email [email protected]

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