
Murphy Theatre is community treasure

Mary Lou Sprowle, a former Wilmington resident, loves the Murphy Theatre. During her Wilmington years, she lived just down the street near the old...

Looking for a reason to smile?

Did you hear it last week? Could you feel it? It happened on Friday afternoon, at exactly 4:02 p.m., the sun slipped across the...

Farm safety and health — practice it daily

I am sure you have all heard the saying “You can’t fix stupid.” I bring this comment up because of farm safety. This past...

Catastrophes spur passage of Disaster Relief Act

Recently the news has been inundated with stories about natural disasters affecting the United States and North America. We heard about Hurricane Harvey in...

I turned on, tuned in … then I dropped out

They promised us “the revolution would not be televised.”That’s good, because if it was, I’d probably miss it.I have never been a huge fan...

Protecting those harmed by Equifax

This month, we learned that 143 million Americans’ – about half the country – had their personal information exposed to criminals by the company...

Last stop, and simply the best!

Our trip to Maine was quickly coming to an end, but we had saved the best town for last.Kennebunkport was the town I was...

Bringing home bacon (not lottery)

Brenda and I aren’t gamblers by nature. She once won at bingo, but panicked and began snapping her fingers instead of yelling, “Bingo!” and...

Feeding neighbors … and the world

The recent hurricane disasters in Texas and Florida have reminded me of the life-saving importance of having an adequate supply of food and potable...

A Reminder of our nation’s history

This year is one of great significance for Ohio and the United States — it is the 230th anniversary of steps taken to expand...