
‘Soil health’ is gaining attention

Over the years that I have been here in Clinton County, I have seen our farmers do some outstanding things in terms of crop...

Impact toward the right path

Like many other young teenagers, I grew up in a good home, I went to a great public school, I played multiple sports, I...

How can you mend a broken heart?

In 1958 I was a nine-year-old youngster, and not really interested in anything “rock.” That year three brothers — Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb...

A 21st-century infrastructure

Our parents and grandparents left us with a transportation system that was the envy of the world. They dreamed it, they planned it, and...

‘Well, I am not your mother’

“Pat, please pick up your socks,” Brenda reminded me the other evening as I prepared for bed.“My mom always picked up my socks when...

Fixing regulation, bringing back jobs

Under the Obama Administration, businesses in the United States have faced unprecedented regulations that have stifled job growth in our communities. In fact, during...

More scams every day

“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Try to fool me every day, I better be on my guard...

ARC/PLC and specialty crops

Well, the weather experts tell us winter is back and maybe this time it will stay around for a while. Don’t get in a...

Operating on a (state) budget

Every two years, the state of Ohio adopts its main operating budget, legislation that requires the partnership of the Governor’s administration, the Ohio General...

A winning trade agenda

I have spent the past two-and-a-half decades fighting for a trade agenda that puts American workers first and allows Ohio companies to compete on...