
Giving thanks and grandma’s dressing

Thanksgiving greetings!As I mentioned last week, we as a church would sometimes draw names from our 18 families and single households to determine who...

Trump to small farmers: Get lost

As hundreds of Wisconsin dairy farms go under, the White House is telling them to clear out for the big guys.Donald Trump’s idea of...

Collagen: What you need to know

Collagen. It’s been called the fountain of youth by some, but is it?Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body. It is...

A date with some squirrels

When the trials and troubles of the daily grind get to be too much, occasionally I just go for a drive. Usually that drive...

Is there a perfect gift?

We are now perched on the cusp of our annual mega-shopping season.In the few weeks before Christmas there is more than just a chill...

Should I update my PLC yields?

Now that some producers are finishing the 2019 harvest, it is now time to turn their attention to other aspects of the farming operation....

Giving thanks and grandma’s dressing

Thanksgiving has always been a highlight in our house. As a little girl, my mom would always cook up a big meal, and without...

Just another ODE boondoggle

When I was a school superintendent I, like my peers, regularly received missives from the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) informing us about the...

Private vs. public colleges: Think net cost

Fact or Fiction: All public colleges and universities cost less than a private college education? Fiction. The simple fact is that students who receive...

Foreign companies getting farm bailout dollars?

Earlier this year, in the midst of a trade war with China, President Donald Trump announced a $16 billion agriculture bailout, telling Americans, via...