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The Oscars, for conservatives

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first-ever Conservative Academy Awards, brought to you from the party room of Al’s Steakhouse at the corner of...

The Trump bubble bursting

No!The bubble burst. My fantasy died.I wasn’t a big Donald Trump backer — on TV I have called him a bully, a narcissist, etc....

Can media hold politicians accountable?

If you watched Donald Trump’s recent press conference, you may have overlooked a telling and worrisome moment. A CNN reporter tried to ask the...

Company of friends never grows old

Adventure on the high seas, a hand stuck inside a pop machine, seven-plus hours at the Indy 500 with tornadoes nearby, an attack of...

Trump and the war with media

It’s still difficult to comprehend that Donald Trump is president of the United States of America.Yes, I’m happy about it. And it’s not as...

For many, today’s a great day

It’s time to get over it and get on with it.With the inauguration of Donald Trump at hand as the 45th president of the...

When Facebook takes control

My personal Facebook page barely exists. I do virtually nothing on it. However, that doesn’t stop Facebook from sending messages about me. Such was...

When actors are left unscripted

One wonders, at what point during Acting College are pupils taught that part of their job is to share their political opinions with the...

The mountains we climb

Heaven’s lungs pulled my breathe away from me. I looked out from the heights and fought to keep my eyes open, breathless and spent....

Christmas through the years

At the age of 6, he woke up Christmas morning before the sun was up. Had Santa Claus come yet? As quietly as he...