Pork Pride 4-H club holds meeting at Cuba Friends Church


The Pork Pride 4-H Club met at Cuba Friends Church on Sunday, March 10. There were 30 in attendance.

President Stanley Chesney called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. Gregary Achtermann led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and Leah Chesney led us in the 4-H Pledge. Shelby Robinson gave the secretary’s report. Isaac Chesney gave the treasurer’s report.

We played two rounds of 4-H project bingo.

Judy Hatfield then talked about order forms for shirts and hoodies and then talked about registration for projects. We then discussed having one of our meetings to be at the fairgrounds to discuss where to go for what projects.

We had three demonstrations at this meeting. Harper Furnish did a demonstration on her guinea pigs named Alex and Steve. Jacob Furnish then did a demonstration of his Minecraft poster. Finally, Haley Huff did a demonstration on her chickens Marcus and Blackidy. All three did a wonderful job on their demonstrations.

The next meeting will be on Sunday, March 24 at 6 p.m. Hannah Huff will do the Pledge of Allegiance; Luke Robinson will do the 4-H Pledge; Donaven Dalton and Leah Chesney will do demonstrations; and the Chesney family will provide snacks.

The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. The group then enjoyed the wonderful snacks provided by the entire group.

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