Fayette Co. Outlet Recruitment/Training Center to hold grand opening


JEFFERSONVILLE — The OhioMeansJobs Fayette County Outlet Recruitment and Training Center has announced its grand opening and ribbon cutting event on April 18. Located at Destination Outlets, 8120 Factory Shops Blvd., this event marks a significant milestone in the center’s journey toward fostering employment opportunities and community connections, according to a news release.

Since its recent opening, the Outlet Recruitment Center has been dedicated to facilitating job placements and providing essential training initiatives. The center has already made substantial progress by establishing valuable connections and implementing key elements to support its mission.

The grand opening event will commence at noon. Attendees can look forward to an engaging program that includes a ribbon cutting ceremony, networking opportunities and media coverage, according to the release.

The support of the mall management along with the local OhioMeansJobs center and other community partners makes this event possible and serves as a testament to the collaborative efforts aimed at empowering individuals and strengthening the local workforce, according to Lana Pavey, OhioMeansJobs Fayette County workforce administrator.

“We are thrilled to celebrate the grand opening of the Fayette County Outlet Recruitment Center,” said Pavey. “This event underscores our commitment to providing valuable resources and opportunities for both job seekers and employers. We look forward to welcoming the community and showcasing the positive impact of our initiatives.”

“Local businesses, community leaders, members of the press and the public are cordially invited to attend this exciting occasion and join in the celebration of progress and opportunity,” said Pavey.

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