
Emptied out to fill us up

We just celebrated Easter, when most all Christian churches focus on Jesus’ empty grave. I was thinking about the word “empty.” It can be one of three parts of speech, either a verb, noun, or adjective. Most commonly used as an adjective, it means “containing nothing” or “not occupied,” but it can also imply “having no purpose,” or “lacking meaning, or value.”

Marking a year since Daniel’s passing

This week was like no other in my life. Exactly a year ago our lives changed forever. My husband, Daniel was called home to Jesus.

Sabina Area Christian Women meet

Sabina Area Christian Women met Tuesday, April 3 with ladies of the Richland Methodist Church hosting the event.

Prayer during grief, loss

“Mom, the phone is for you, ” Julia said handing it to me.

Good news time!

Well, it is finally here! This long anticipated week has finally arrived! If you are a sports fan, the only time of the year with more anticipation and excitement greater than this week might possibly be Super Bowl week. If you are a basketball fan, March Madness has just finished! (Congratulations to the UConn Huskies and the LSU Tigers!) If you are a golf aficionado, this is Masters Week, one of the highest and most sought after titles in professional golf. If you are in school, for many schools, this is Spring Break week. This week is one for vacations and excitement in many areas of thinking.

Truly this was the Son of God

(This narrative on Christ’s crucifixion is based on the gospel of Matthew, chapter 27, verses 27-54)

A ‘Lord’s Prayer’ prayer

Matthew 6:13: And do not bring us to the time of trial but rescue us from the evil one.

God will heal their hearts

“Mom, may we have a slumber party?”

What a friend we have in…

Who is your favorite Bible character? When I have asked that question of people in the past, invariably I get a variety of answers: David, Peter, Abraham, Paul, Joseph, Moses, and even Joshua. There are even a few women in the mix – Ruth, Esther, and Mary. But in all my years of asking that question, no one has ever mentioned the fellow that has been prominent in my thinking as one of my all-time favorites. He is a little-known and barely-mentioned fellow in the New Testament. The fellow I am talking about is called Onesiphorus. There are only four verses in the New Testament where he is even mentioned and in one of those he is mentioned with his whole household. In 2 Timothy 1:16, Paul comments that Onesiphorus “refreshed him” when he (Paul) was imprisoned in Rome. He commends him for doing so and for not giving up on his imprisoned friend.

Free to create beauty

Matthew 6:12- And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.