
Time for reflection, appreciation

This Thanksgiving week, I would like to take a moment to reflect on all we have to be thankful for in this great state.As...

Aboard the Thanksgiving train

My dad awakened, as he did most mornings, at four o’clock. His alarm clock would ring, and a few minutes later, his back-up alarm,...

The creation of a miracle

There was something going on in his mind that could only be described as magical.He was a young man – late 20s or early...

Happy birthday highway patrol

Most people who know me, whether a brief acquaintance or a lifelong friend, are familiar with my deep appreciation and respect for our law...

Sampling for good nutrient management

The past two winters we in Extension have been providing programs to get producers certified for Fertilizer Application. Individuals are encouraged to obtain certification...

It’s a small world after all

If you’ve ridden the ride, the tune is indelibly, maddeningly tattooed on your brain: “It’s a small world after all,” et cetera, ad nauseum.Fortunately,...

Is there not enough hate already?

It is a practical question, that one up there in the headline for this column.I think a lot of us would agree that there...

The boy with no grandparents

Brenda and I had just stepped out of our car into the bright sunlight when a young boy waved and started running at full...

Election Day to Thanksgiving

As we watch the never-ending parade of days, weeks and months go marching past, our next big event will be Thanksgiving. Whew, I’m glad...

Two big meetings to attend

This week Americans celebrated Veterans Day. The federal holiday honors the brave men and women of the armed forces who risk their lives to...