
Juries apply law with humanity

Editor’s Note: Hillsboro Mayor Drew Hastings on Wednesday was acquitted of the two remaining charges against him; the judge earlier dismissed the other two...

Thanks for serving our country

Suddenly I was aware of the little girl standing to my right, just looking at me. As Deputy Chaplain of the Ohio Wing of...

Letters: Boot camp to battlefield

Carroll Hosbrook, a farm boy from Ohio, found himself in a small French village on Nov. 11, 1918. Bells in a bombed-out church were...

Honoring Medal of Honor recipient

On New Year’s Eve 1862, then-First Lieutenant Frederick Phisterer, while under heavy fire in the Battle of Stones River (Tennessee) during the American Civil...

Days of political correctness

Political correctness – which has been a hot topic locally as much as nationally — may not have been on Tuesday’s election ballot under...

Veterans give us right to choose

The election is over.I wrote this article last Sunday when the outcome of the presidential election was unknown. This year’s presidential campaign was a...

Is a vote ever wasted?

Today is the day most of us have been waiting for.We can resume watching television without hearing two people berate each other about being...

Make your voice heard: Vote

Next Tuesday, Nov. 8 is Election Day in the United States. With as much attention that has been on this year’s election from the...

Frosted forages in pastures: Know risks

Summer like-weather this week is probably going to be short lived. I suggest while the temperatures stay mildly pleasant to enjoy because the weather...

America on November 9th

Less than one week from today the American people will make a decision that will affect the course of the next several generations. Tens...