
Protect yourselves when you go out

People please wake up and protect yourselves. I’ve been in a lot of stores since this virus started. The store managers who are in...

Realtors stand ready to safely assist you

As Ohio adapts to the new stay at home order we are all learning a new way of living.The Clinton County Board of Realtors...

No one should be going hungry

I was watching “Today” on NBC this morning (April 13) and there was a segment on the food banks. It showed a whole parking...

‘Got to love that’

I want to thank you for your faithful reporting at this trying time. Today’s April 7 paper had three things in it that really...

We must celebrate, yet never foget

What a truly strange Holy Week this is. Passover Seders at home without large family gatherings and others welcomed to the table. Why is...

Get in touch with your virtues

Martin Seligman, Ph.D., is a former president of the American Psychological Association. He is the leading proponent of Positive Psychology, including the promotion of...

History shows it’s not our worst time

Today’s medical and political situation in the United States can easily cause some to think we are going through our country’s most difficult period...

What is this teaching our 4-H kids?

Recently we were told that the use of Paylean would eventually be banned . Paylean, also known as Ractopamine, has been used by commercial...

Support healthcare workers, first responders

The coronavirus has spread unabated across the world like a mysterious, invisible, silent sci-fii thriller in a non-discriminating manner, devastating millions of people in...

US must be part of the solution

We are facing a pandemic which will impact every country of the world. This is a time for us to come together to find...