
We are better than this

On September 11, 2001, the United States was attacked. Most of us older than 21 remember “9-11”. Roughly 3,000 of our fellow citizens died...

Reported deaths due to COVID-19

There are lots of thoughts out there with regard to whether or not the COVID-19 deaths are being “over reported”, due to the fact...

Thank you for past Wayne Twp. parades

Regretfully the 97th Wayne Township Memorial Day parade at Lees Creek and Centerville Cemetery has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The trustees...

Vacating its role as world leader

I am both saddened and angered as I see our country give up its position as a world leader.A country that was a major...

Thank you for being there

I am writing to publicly thank the Wilmington News Journal for continuing to publish the paper. When the virus started, I was concerned the...

We’re all in this … together?

We constantly are being reminded on TV, locally and nationally, that during this COVID-19 pandemic, we are all in this together. I have seen...

Better 6 feet apart than 6 feet under

While chatting with a friend last week, he mentioned that one of his tenants said she thought the entire hullabaloo about the virus is...

Love for making people well again

Sarah Marie Whitaker, from Pleasant Plain, Ohio, has wanted to be a nurse for as long as she can remember. She has dedicated her...

Responding to the call in a big way, departments help at Blanchester fire

I want to recognize the professional Wilmington dispatcher who was working during the early morning fire on March 20 in Blanchester. That fire took...

Where’s the judgment during pandemic?

In the early days of the AIDS epidemic, in the 1980s and ’90s, my brothers and sisters on the “religious right” were screaming about...