
Locals invited to Ohio State Weeds University

OSU Extension invites crop producers, CCAs, and agribusinesses to attend a regional 2024 Ohio State Weeds University on Wednesday, Feb. 21 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at locations across the state. Locations will include Auglaize County, Clermont County, Crawford County, Fayette County, Jackson County, Madison County, Paulding County, and Wayne County.

American Legion to commemorate ‘Four Chaplains’ Sunday’ at Wilmington Church of Christ

WILMINGTON — To commemorate the 81st anniversary of the sinking of the USS Dorchester and the dramatic sacrifice of four armed forces chaplains during World War II, deacon Bob Baker, chaplain of Wilmington Veterans Post 49, American Legion, has announced this Sunday, February 4 as the date for the observance of “Four Chaplains’ Sunday.”

A renewed resolution to come back to church

Last week marked the end of “quitters’ week,” a time when the initial enthusiasm of our New Year’s resolutions died. Everyone who signed up for a gym membership still thinks they’re going to go, so they hold off canceling just long enough to forget they are being charged monthly. We all started off strong but failed to stay consistent. What if we turn the page on quitters’ week and usher in “Resolution 2.0?”

Grace UMC in Blanchester to host free dinner

Grace United Methodist Church in Blanchester will host a free dinner for the community from 4:30-6 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 25 in the Fellowship Hall of the church.

The fellowship of going back to church

In this week’s article I am continuing my invitation for you to resolve to come back to church this Sunday. In the past two articles I described how the early church gave us a prescription to live out our Christian lives today: “They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to the prayers.” (Acts 2:42)

The significance of going back to church

As Christians, revisiting the practices of the first-century church holds profound significance. Through these articles, last week and the next two, I hope you resolve to go back to church this Sunday. Allow me to make this your invitation: “I invite you to attend church this Sunday.”

An invitation to journey back to church

I’d like to extend an invitation for you to join me on a journey back to church this year. There’s something special about the God-ordained gathering of Christ’s followers that offers unique spiritual practices and I want you to enjoy those experiences in 2024. Reflecting on the last day of 2023, I shared with my wife my resolution to kickstart my mornings: wake up early, exercise, pray, and study, allocating 20 minutes to each activity. I told my wife, “This is the year I get fit and get smart.” She said, “You better make it a three-year plan.” Yikes, I might have more ground to cover than I initially thought.

A few reflective thoughts and a goodbye

The beginning of a New Year is a time for reflection. I don’t know about you, but it has been several years since I have stayed up late at night to “watch the ball drop.” But as I remember it, in the wee hours of the first morning of the new year, with the strains of “Auld Lang Syne” echoing in the background, there seemed to always be a sense of melancholy reflection on the past as well as a bubbling enthusiasm filled with anticipation for the future.

A ‘poser’ on time and calendars

Here’s a “poser” for you: Why are our ninth, 10th, 11th and 12th months named “Seven” (Sept-), “Eight, (Oct-)” “Nine” (Nov-) and “Ten” (Dec-)?

A Romans 8 Christmas

I woke up this morning early – much earlier than usual since I had to take our son to the bus station so he could catch a shuttle bus to the airport. He has been visiting us for a week and we have had a beautiful time together. On the way back from the shuttle pick-up station, I was returning home and enjoying very pleasant thoughts about his visit with us when I was suddenly crashed into from behind by a car that was obviously speeding much faster than I was.